
24 January 2011

21 Januari 2011 @ Jumaat

Alhamdulillah, bertambah usia lagi setahun. Syukur ke hadrat Illahi, dengan izinNya saya masih bernafas di bumi Tuhan.

Terima kasih kepada semua yang mengirimkan ucapan. Di Blog, FB, SMS, secara live dan sebagainya. Semoga kita semua beroleh keberkatan dariNya.

Tapi, dalam banyak-banyak ucapan.. ucapan yang paling best sekali adalah dari Kaklong. Cuba dengar, pasti terpikat.

The Happy Happy Birthday Song
The Arrogant Worm

Once a year we celebrate
With stupid hats and plastic plates
The fact that you were able to make
Another trip around the sun

And the whole clan gathers round
And gifts and laughter do abound
And we let out a joyful sound
And sing that stupid song

Happy birthday!
Now you're one year older
Happy birthday!
Your life still isn't over
Happy birthday!
You did not accomplish much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough

So let's drink to your fading health
And hope you don't remind yourself
your chance of finding fame and wealth
Decrease with every year

Does it feel like you're doing laps
And eating food and taking naps
And hoping that someday perhaps
Your life will hold some cheer

Happy birthday!
What have you done that matters?
Happy birthday!
You're starting to get fatter
Happy birthday!
It's downhill from now on
Try not to remind yourself
Your best years are all gone

If cryogenics were all free
Then you could live like Walt Disney
And live for all eternity
Inside a block of ice

But instead your time is set
This is the only life you get
And though it hasn't ended yet
Sometimes you wish it might

Happy birthday!
You wish you had more money
Happy birthday!
Your life's so sad it's funny
Happy birthday!
How much more can you take?
But your friends are hungry
So just cut the stupid cake

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, dear...

“The Arrogant Worms are a Canadian musical comedy trio that parodies many musical genres. They are well known for their humorous on-stage banter in addition to their music.”
Sumber: Wikipedia


k.long said...

Hehehe..sampai ko letak pulak lagu ni kat blog..tq bnyk2la wahai adindaku tersayang kerana terasa d hargai.. maknanya ko mesti tak jemu dengar kan,termasuk aku gak..walaupun lagu tu mmg nampak `stupid song' dan liriknya kasar tp asalkn yg menyambut bzday tu terhibur pun dh cukup bagus,anggap la ni `present' termahal dari aku,ko akan ingat sampai bila2....smoga sntiasa bergumbira dan ceria2 selalu hendaknya..peaceee...!!!!

Sue said...

memang tak jemu.. lagu tu happening la. kalau rasa nak marah, dengar lagu tu boleh cool.. hehe